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Luno:I was scammed out of R3000

斑马投诉2年前 (2023-02-27)投诉196

Good day sir/madam, I would like to lay a complaint against Luno who does not want to acknowledge that I was scammed on there platform. I was called by the scammer to open up the account and deposit money into Lino’s account. They even assisted me over the phone to open up the account. I don’t have the names of the scammers but I have proof of the account was opened with Luno and they sent me their Standard Bank banking details. The proof will be attached. I have not received any apology from Luno. Thank you for your assistance. 

投诉编号: 9344
投诉对象: [Luno]
投诉要求: paying for the damage,full refund,Immediate withdrawal
涉诉金额: 3000.0元
投诉进度: 投诉已回复





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