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Alpha Markets:having to pay to get your profit

斑马投诉2年前 (2023-03-20)投诉166

Trading on Telegram, this company get you to put a small amount, with me it was £500. they told me what to put the trade on and leave it for 5 days, but 3 days in the guy comes onto say, really if you want to make good profit you really need to put more funds in, so after some conversation I put another £500. After 5 days the trade finished, and low and behold it had made £15000!! This is where it gets down to it. they then say to you, that in order to release the funds you will have to give them permission to " Link" my CoinBase account with there account, but they have to have control of it, oh and on top of that, you will have to put another £3500 in to your account and transfer it across to there account!!

投诉编号: 9381
投诉对象: [Alpha Markets]
投诉要求: full refund
涉诉金额: 2000.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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