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DBEX:DBEX is a SCAM lost 289,000.00

斑马投诉2年前 (2023-04-17)投诉150

DBEX is a scam I have over 289,000.00 after trading few times. I want to withdraw my funds but it keep saying you need to trade more or offset transaction by paying 20%. I paid 20% to offset transaction. when I tried to withdraw I couldn’t. I asked help desk that I have deposited the 20% and explained the issue. The response is the following. .. Dear, we have already paid your taxes for you when you initiated the withdrawal, and the amount you currently hold cannot pay this fee. You need to deposit an amount of 286250x20%=57250 USD in your account to withdraw your all funds.  Can somebody help with this transaction zand talk to DBEX.

投诉编号: 9436
投诉对象: [DBEX]
投诉要求: exposure scam
涉诉金额: 0.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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