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Evest Group:Evest Group Not Allowing Withdrawals

斑马投诉1年前 (2023-09-18)投诉133

On 12/5/22 I attempted to withdraw $9,699.670 from my account at Evest.Life, which was the amount I showed remaining in my account, only to receive an error "due to the blockchain network upgrade hardfork and wallet temporary maintenance that the withdrawal of funds is temporarily suspended, and will be opened after the upgrade is complete." When I attempt to contact customer support at Evest.Life to ask them about this they just let the chat time out after they find out who I am. On 12/14/22 I sent an email to their address at evestgroupltd@gmail.com that they show listed on their webpage at EVEST.LIFE, and ask them about this, but no one responded to that email either. I attempted to withdraw the $9699.67 that they showed remaining in my account forty three times, and even though their system initially accepted my withdrawal each time they later sent me an email telling me that the withdrawal has been rejected with no explanation, Then they removed my Id from their system.

投诉编号: 9879
投诉对象: [Evest Group]
投诉要求: Not allow money to be withdrawn
涉诉金额: 9699.67元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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