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AUSFIT:It’s a wonderful scam

斑马投诉1年前 (2024-01-03)投诉86

They use cutting edge technology to reel you in, treat you right, make some good profits. Then after you make all these profits. They charge you taxes.that you have to pay with fiat money turned to bitcoin. But that dosent matter. Cuz you have made millions. So they charge you a service fee. And your in so deep you have to pay it. Also with fiat money. And they don’t take plastic. And if your more than 3 days to pay. They get a late fee. All the while telling you. You ca use your funds any way you like after. Taxes then service fee. Then late fee. Then, and then, I’ll bet you’ll never guess what they got in store. Dammit that’s right. All of the sudden. Your username or password is invalid. You got it. So now you can email them. You can chat on customer support. But they don’t respond back. It’s a wonderful scam. Bless their hearts. They take everything you will give them. And hang you out to dry. No conscience. No remorse. No way to retaliate. They don’t even tell you thanks.

投诉编号: 10164
投诉对象: [AUSFIT]
投诉要求: expose the scam
涉诉金额: 0.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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