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Exness:Exness scam

斑马投诉11个月前 (01-04)投诉77

Exness admitted it was their fault but did not compensate I would like to present it as follows: My account: 49115671 My complaint is as follows: First, on August 12, 2023, Exness proactively emailed me about the Stop Stop Protection feature. On October 6, 203, I asked Exness about the order code #116971637 to buy 0.05 lots of XAUUSD that was closed and asked if the "Stop Out Protection" feature was defective or not? and what is the "Stop Out Protection" feature? On October 7, 2023 Exness replied via my email and the "Stop Out Protection" calculation formula. After that, I checked the previously closed order codes and on October 10, 2023, I sent an email asking about 2 order codes #113419688, #113448820 but had to wait until October 19, 2023. exness just replied On October 19, 2023, I received an email reply from Exness but in a different way, the calculation of the Stop Out Protection tool was not applied as previous Exness emails did. In the email dated October 19, 2023, Exness did not explain how Stop Out Protection is calculated, only stating clause 2.5(a). + Exness General Terms of Business - The Company reserves the right to force close the Client's order if the required Stop Out margin is reached or there is Negative Equity <= Exness does not mention the feature Stop Out Protection + But at that time my account had Stop Stop Protection feature (Exness proactively emailed me about that feature on August 12, 2023), On October 20, 2023, Exness still responded as on October 19, 2023 and emphasized article 2.5 (a). I have read Exness's customer agreement, the agreement has very unreasonable terms as follows: + Exness admitted errors but did not compensate. + Exness will not be responsible for errors that cause damage to customers. ***** I have full proof

投诉编号: 10165
投诉对象: [Exness]
投诉要求: compensate
涉诉金额: 0.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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