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富拓FXTM:FXTM funds are not safe

斑马投诉9个月前 (06-04)投诉71

2024.05.21 pm10:00 I realized that my account was stolen and submitted for withdrawal, I promptly changed my password and logged into the back office to try and cancel the withdrawal by the thief, I was unable to cancel the withdrawal, I was unable to reach the online customer service, I was unable to reach the customer service manager, they were very unprofessional and their treatment of the withdrawal by the thief resulted in a loss of 15,000usd for me. fxtm This transaction I lost 130,000usd , they treat their customers like this and the platform does not provide the IP address of the person who stole my account at that time, they just shirk their responsibility and say it is the customer's own problem, I suspect that it is the platform's people who are colluding to steal my account, they can't guarantee the safety of the customer's money, please stay away from this platform. I would like to ask the platform to compensate me for the 15,000USD that was stolen due to your unprofession

投诉编号: 10600
投诉对象: [富拓FXTM]
投诉要求: 赔偿损失
涉诉金额: 15000.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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