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斑马投诉7个月前 (08-09)投诉54

My account 88392843 has been trading on FXPro for half a year, during which most of it was profitable. However, on the morning of July 31st, MT4 suddenly couldn't go up. I saw a negative balance of over 9000 on the backend, but my long order account holding gold was over 80000 US dollars. I contacted the online client and was told that the MT4 account was invalid. The backend sent an email to reset the password. I saw that my account had changed to -9000 US dollars. At 23:56 on MT4 time, when you placed an order for 50 lots of palladium, I didn't even know what variety it was!!! And the spread is huge, 1700 spreads, a price that does not exist in the market, close 50 lots of palladium for me. Closing all positions within ten seconds resulted in a direct loss of 80000 US dollars in my account. During this period, I kept sending emails to contact FXPro, and they insisted that it was me who traded on my own.

投诉编号: 10952
投诉对象: [浦汇FxPro]
投诉要求: 退还本金,赔偿损失
涉诉金额: 8.8888888E7元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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