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MagicCompass:Funding withdrawal

斑马投诉3个月前 (11-20)投诉57

I invested with magical compass between 20.10.2014 and 31.10.2014 €900 and I made profit. My credit score went down and I had to deposit another €1000 to build up my score back . November 4. I deposited €1000 into my account. I made profits and I invested €500. I made profits. On November 14th I wanted to withdraw my funding but I was told by customer service that I must pay personal income tax 625USDC coin. I deposited the coin into the account .Another withdrawal request was rejected by suspision of money laundering. I had to pay another 600 and proof my income. I deposited money and prooved my incomes. Everything was cleared and than they asked me to pay foreign currency tax 500 USDC coin. I depostited the tax and my withdrawal was beeing reviewed. When I complained to the customer service I was locked out of my account. I can not log back in it is saying password error. My total balance after profits was 5892 USD coin plu 600 USD coin for deposit

投诉编号: 11451
投诉对象: [MagicCompass]
投诉要求: Asking to return my funds
涉诉金额: 4342.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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